Notre but est de faire découvrir le cinéma irlandais dans une ambiance conviviale et ouverte. Chaque mois, on présente un film irlandais (entrée gratuite pour les membres d’AFIL). La projection est suivie d’une discussion en anglais et en français. Regardez nos pages Facebook et Instagram pour les prochaines séances.
Informations: Padraic Lamb –
Prochain évènement:
Jeudi 30 janvier à la Maison des Européens (5 rue Pizay, 69001 Lyon) à 19h45, début du film à 20h.
Lien Facebook:
The Quiet Girl (2022). The film is an adaptation of the wonderful Claire Keegan’s novella, Foster and recounts the journey of the preternaturally quiet Cáit, a nine-year-old girl who goes from a dysfunctional family setting to the warmth of her aunt and uncle’s farm where decency and simplicity seem to reign. Cáit discovers a new world in her new home but as the story progresses, she also learns that the idyllic homestead is haunted by a tragic past. The portrayal of her coming of age and of family, much like Keegan’s writing, is done in a minimalist style highlighting beauty in the everyday and capturing characters with the smallest of brushstrokes. The film switches between English in Cáit’s home and Irish in the “foster home” and is wonderfully filmed. Unlike the more recent adaptation of another Keegan book, Small Things Like These, the film doesn’t contain any stars but the acting is spot on and fits the minimalist approach of the director.
Drinks and nibbles will be provided as usual after the film.